Silvia Sacrestano


Silvia Sacrestano is an enthusiastic and friendly freelance art workshop leader with experience in a range of environments including heritage, carnival and fashion with all a variety of audiences, children, young adult, families and adults. Fluent in English, Italian and Czech. Competent with CAD, Photoshop,  Macromedia Dream Weaver amongst others.

An original and talented fashion designer and pattern cutter, whose approach is based upon research, analysis and the evaluation of data and ideas. The evolution of a well-made and beautiful garment, from simple sketch to finished product, is something she loves to be part of.

She specialises in alternative fashion, including dresses, t-shirts, bags and accessories. Some of Silvia works can be viewed in ‘Portfolio’ section. 

In last 10 years Silvia has been working in collaboration with museums, theatres, schools and communities in London on various art projects. She worked closely with Museum and Cabinet War Rooms, Museum of London, Museum of Croydon Clocktower, Richmond Museum amongst others. Most of the projects involved creation of costumes for plays, shows and festivals (including Notting Hill festival and Thames Festival). Silvia also works closely with community arts centres to help many children from less privilege background to discover they creative potential. You can read more by visiting the  ‘Community Projects’ section.

Silvia has role as a fashion lecture for academies in Westminster & Richmond since 20012, which lead on running a high standard fashion,print & textile  workshops, also involved in contextual studies, revamping old item to new fashion, & creating designs & patterns for a new collections.

If you are interested to see the latest activity use the link for the Pinterest account Facebook link and twitter

on pinterest you can see outcomes from creative textilefashion workshops, community arts
